1,The Nightmare Before Christmas
Starring : Danny Elfman, Chris Sarandon
Type : animated, fantasy
Director : Henry Selick
Release Date : 15 October 1994(Japan)
Film company: Touchstone Pictures(1993 release),Walt Disney Pictures(Disney Digital 3-D)
Music : Danny Elfman
Story : A ghost who is tired of life in Halloween Town try to be Santa Claus.
Quotation : “What’s this?” “Kidnap Mr. Sandy Claws?”
I like this movie because characters are so cute.
For example, the main character conducted some experiment to know the Christmas theoretical.
It is funny that all people in Halloween Town character interpret the Christmas wrongly because we know what the Christmas is, but they don’t!

2,The Science of Sleep
Starring : Gael Garcia Bernal, Charlotte Gainsbourg
Type : comedy, drama, fantasy, romance
Director : Michel Gondry
Release Date : 28 April 2007(Japan)
Film Company : Gaumont(France)
Warner independent Pictures (US)
Music : Jean-Michel Bernard
Editing : Juliette Welfling
Quotation : “I’m punk” “He’s punk”
The main character is lost in wild fancies.
He was in loved with the heroine but his behavior is so strange.
However it is cute because he is just like child and innocent.
Curiously it makes my heart worm

3,The Omen(2006)
Starring : Liev Schreiber, Julia Stiles, Seamus Fitzpatrick
Type : Horror, Mystery
Director : John Moore
Release Date : 06 June 2006
Music : Marco Beltrami
Editing : Dan Zimmerman
Quotation : “Son is a demon” , ”Something about Damien…something is not right”
I like this movie because I was born on June.6th.
Damien, the child of demon provokes bad accidents and people will be ruined one after another.
One person suicides by hanging for him, another is skewered by a lightning rod and the other is pushed off the upstairs.
It’s so scary and grotesque.